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乔治保罗品牌简介----Enterprise profile of georgpolo



        georgpolo is France a set fashion hair styling, professional hair care, trendy nail, and elegant beauty and other services as one of the innovative brand, since its inception in 1975 has been focused on fashion hair and nail shape creation and innovation. Worldwide, georgpolo brand has a number of fashion chain modeling agencies, professional fashion stylist team and brand fashion styling series. In 1994, the French Crown Group Co., Ltd. (China headquarters in 1994 formally established) brand carrier, started the Chinese market brand campaign, the trendy design concept, intimate and comfortable, warm service, together with the introduction of mainland China market, become hair styling collar domain of brand innovation.

        After decades of development and growth, georgpolo in brand management, design concept and the style continuous breakthrough and perfection, will live with integrated fashion, individuality and innovation closely, followed by the times the pace of fashion, highlighting personality charm. georgpolo combined with everyone's actual hair, with skillful design techniques and novel design concept, find fashion and individuality of the connection point, in order to create a full of personal charm fashion hair styling, add personalized fashion colors for the beauty industry, for the customer's life increase a paragraph of wonderful memories and feelings!

乔治保罗品牌诠释----Brand interpretation of georgpolo

品牌内涵--Brand connotation



        The courage to explore the beauty of life, and the perfect generous to show it, this may be another interpretation of life. Where there is life, more than innovation. The latest thing full of curiosity and enjoy a sense of unknown brought fresh joy, but also has reservations about the good old things, so as to carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future, and always maintain the vigor of youth.


        georgpolo make full use of the inherent advantages of multinational brands, will be the excellent culture of different regions, cleverly integrated into the current fashion design, combined with the actual customer personality style, showing a unique charm of fashion modeling.

        georgpolo brand has been working on the innovation of fashion hair to create, thought the beauty industry to add more novel color and fashion culture as their responsibility, for life to create a more beautiful and moving, this is George Paul brand connotation.

标识诠释--Logo interpretation


        georgpolo logo design, only with a mysterious and elegant atmosphere of the purple tone, so that people have a look at what the visual impact and aesthetic enjoyment, but also reflects the simple and generous design principles. From a distance see, neat and tidy, and full of romantic and elegant charm, highlight the improvement of brand integrity and innovation to create spiritual connotation; but take a closer look at the sign, can see the stability and change of the design style, and meticulous subtle detail processing. Sign eclectic profile, smooth and beautiful, neat and somewhat playful personality, the full expression of the Paul George "for the United States, the courage to innovation" is the essence of the brand, and "carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future, continuous innovation" brand purpose.

乔治保罗品牌故事----Brand story of georgpolo





        Born in 1948, Ralph George and Hans Paul, born in 1949, were born in Lyon, France, the two relations are very good neighbors family. From primary school to senior high school, George and Paul in the same school, and together go to school, play, their friendship than the pro brother also pro. Until 1966, George and Paul were eligible for the two different university, before leaving to seek their own path in life and dreams. George during the university very seriously, effort, majoring in economic management, and a minor in brand management, scores are quite good; Paul school performance is excellent, specializing in professional design, in design and fashion aesthetic field, their unique insights and innovative ideas.

        Two years after graduation, George and Paul were in Paris, France, engaged in their professional involved in related work, the work treatment is fairly bad. But in the busy urban work and life, the pressure is relatively large, there are many constraints, can not express their true views, and particularly boring. One day in 1972, George and Paul in a gathering of students finally reunited the, the pair embraced and wept, all sorts of feelings, and memories of a beautiful childhood, greeting each other in their life, career and dream.

        One day, as usual, George, to see a report on the analysis of the France economy. The report said that France is a reform of economic system, the right to the town of all public enterprise privatization reform focus. George combined with his own experience in the work of the economy, that this is a very good market opportunities. Second days, George and Paul in the chat, mentioned this point, did not expect Paul suddenly excited. Because Paul to create the idea of fashion Brand Company, in the heart has been brewing for a long time, has been waiting for an opportunity. And when George learned that Paul's ideas, very much in favor of and support his ideas. Two people after a long time of market data, industry, international policy and brand analysis and research, unanimously decided to start from the beauty industry, to create a brand of innovative ideas. George and Paul quit his job, and carefully preparing for the beauty brand to create work. In February 3, 1975, with the "georgpolo" in the name of the brand of Beauty was established in Paris, France.

        Results as expected, after a few years, starting with the development, georgpolo brand through the joint efforts of George and Paul, to the design style of the fashionable hair style, fashion personality, and good brand image, quickly swept the in the streets of France, occupied a unique place, then France beauty industry, into a very fresh fashion hair styling culture, but also the achievements of a adhering to the "innovation" is the essence of the brand story. Now, georgpolo has a very strong brand strength and brand management team, enjoys a good reputation of the brand in Europe and America and the brand's influence is worldwide gradually expand.

乔治保罗品牌文化----Brand culture of georgpolo












        【Core culture】
                Enterprise spirit:Forge ahead、To face the difficulties、Never give up、Pursuit of excellence

                Brand purpose:carry on the past and open a way for future、Constant innovation

                Brand values:Teamwork、March forward courageously、Positive enterprising、Honest and trustworthy


        【Service idea】
                Warm smile:Let the customer feel our enthusiasm, let the customer send out a bright smile.

                Considerate and generous:Considerate service, elegant noble enjoyment.    

                Novel fashion:Fashion shape, tidal current style, novel elements, Personality characteristics.

                Earnest effort:Conscientiously do a good job every day, and strive to complete each day's tasks.


        【Alliance cooperation】
                Honest and trustworthy,Mutual respect,achieve a win-win situation,Create brilliant